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• Introduction Sooner or later many people start thinking about loading a DLL without LoadLibrary(). OK, maybe not so many. It has only a few advantages and can introduce lots of inconvenience problems when coding the DLL (depending on what your DLL does) compared to a situation where you load the DLL with an ordinary LoadLibrary() call, so this technique has limited use. (I will aim the inconvenience problems below. download free Vw Transporter T Wiring Diagram Manual. ) Still this tip can make good service as a tutorial if you want to understand what's going on behind the curtains. I myself used this stuff to write DLLs in C/C++ instead of coding offset independent assembly (in an anticheat engine), but that is another story.
Implementation The most important steps of DLL loading are: • Mapping or loading the DLL into memory. • Relocating offsets in the DLL using the relocating table of the DLL (if present).
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• Resolving the dependencies of the DLL, loading other DLLs needed by this DLL and resolving the offset of the needed functions. • Calling its entrypoint (if present) with the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH parameter. download Jd540 Skidder Manual.
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