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The Safety Assessment Program (SAP) utilizes volunteers and mutual aid resources to provide professional engineers and architects and certified building inspectors to assist local governments in safety evaluation of their built environment in the aftermath of a disaster. Matchguns Mg2 Manual download free. The program is managed by Cal OES, with cooperation from professional organizations. SAP produces two resources: SAP Evaluators, described above, and SAP Coordinators, which are local government representatives that coordinate the program. Lt500r Service Manual download free. Cal OES issues registration ID cards to all SAP Evaluators that have successfully completed the program requirements. Training for this program is now eligible for Homeland Security Grant Program funding.
• If your SAP Evaluator card has expired or is about to expire, you can continue your registration in the program by taking this refresher training. SAP Evaluators can update their contact information here. For best results, please use Windows Internet Explorer as your browser to access this training. For a schedule of upcoming in-person SAP Evaluator, Coordinator, and Train-the-Trainer classes, please see the Training Events section below. download free Jeep Liberty Kk 2015 Service Manual.
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