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On top of our basic coverage, we offer: Basic Coverage 36 months/36,000 miles (all components other than normal wear and maintenance items). Powertrain Coverage 60 months/60,000 miles (engine, transmission/transaxle, front-wheel-drive system, rear-wheel drive, seatbelts and airbags). Rust-Through Coverage 60 months/unlimited miles (corrosion perforation of sheet metal). Emissions Coverage Coverages vary under Federal and California regulations. Refer to applicable Warranty & Maintenance Guide for details. On top of our basic coverage, we offer: Hybrid-Related Component Coverage Hybrid-related components, including the HV battery, battery control module, hybrid control module and inverter with converter, are covered for 8 years/100,000 miles. The HV battery may have longer coverage under emissions warranty.

download free Honda Hrb217tda Service Manual. Refer to applicable Warranty & Maintenance Guide for details. Powertrain Coverage 60 months/60,000 miles (engine, transmission/transaxle, front-wheel-drive system, rear-wheel drive, seatbelts and airbags). download Kubota L2250 Service Manual torrent. Rust-Through Coverage 60 months/unlimited miles (corrosion perforation of sheet metal).
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