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At Weatherford, we take pump control a step further than conventional controllers. Every fixed- and variable-speed WellPilot RPC unit is equipped with our proprietary Modified Everitt-Jennings1 calculation engine (MEJ).

Using an algorithm to solve the wave equation via finite differences, the MEJ enables accurate load computations at multiple points along the rod string. And to further optimize your rod-pump performance, this comprehensive calculation engine performs additional computations that enable WellPilot controllers to deliver the most thorough and accurate control data in the industry. download free 2002 2007 Jeep Liberty Repair Manual Cummins 6cta Marine Engine Parts Manual download free. more. download Balanis Antenna Theory Solutions Manual.
At Weatherford, we take pump control a step further than conventional controllers. Every fixed- and variable-speed WellPilot RPC unit is equipped with our proprietary Modified Everitt-Jennings1 calculation engine (MEJ). Using an algorithm to solve the wave equation via finite differences, the MEJ enables accurate load computations at multiple points along the rod string.
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