Gehl 1470 Round Baler Owners Manual download free

You are logged in as a guest. ( ) Gehl 1470 round baler:: ->Message format Posted 7/10/2013 20:07 (#3201623) Subject: Gehl 1470 round baler Can anyone tell me anything about the 1470 good or bad. I have never run a round baler. TIA Tom Posted 7/10/2013 20:24 (#3201657 - in reply to #3201623) Subject: Re: Gehl 1470 round baler Kingdom of Callaway - Fulton, Mo 65251 We had one for a few years - I don't remember anything special about it, it was a good simple baler.
2017 Honda Xr70 Repair Manual download free. Gehl 1870 baler - tractor HP needed. Here is one listed.I have sa kubota 4180 round baler and it rolls.
Go slow with it when you start each bale, so it can get the bale started and then keep the pickup full of hay to make the best looking bales. Use plenty of string, your bales will haul off the field better. download Ditch Witch H314 Manual on this page. Is it hydraulic tie or electric? Do you have a V-rake or a single rake to rake your hay with?
If you use a single windrow, weave back and forth so the bale is not barrel shaped or a ice cream cone. V-rakes are great for round balers as you can set your rake to make windrows the size of your baler pickup so you don't have to weave. Cat Dp90 Service Manual download.
Good luck - baling is easy, get a manual on the baler if you don't have one and READ it. The first time you use it, don't mow too much down in case you have problems. Posted 7/10/2013 20:29 (#3201674 - in reply to #3201657) Subject: Re: Gehl 1470 round baler KY I hear that parts availability is becoming a problem with Gehl since they no longer make ag equipment. Posted 7/10/2013 22:02 (#3201953 - in reply to #3201674) Subject: Re: Gehl 1470 round baler Amherst WI I have a 1465. It makes a nice bale but isn't a 'capacity' baler. I haven't had any issues with parts yet, including the rubber for the gathering wheels I had to order becasue my wife brought the baler home 12 miles with them gathering the pavement last weekend.
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