Hobart Training Manual download free
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• HO BART K A7E S ELF-CLEANING ROT I S S E RI E. Mark Andy 2200 Operator Manual download free. • H O B A R T K A 7 E S E L F - C L E A N I N G R O T I S S E R I E T R A I N I N G G U I D E Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Page. • H o w t o P r o g r a m R o t i s s e r i e How to Save a Program 1. Turn the ON-OFF switch to ON. Red light indicates the unit is powered.
• Set Programs Follow the instructions on page 3 “How to Program Rotisserie”, set up Program 1 to preheat the oven and Program 2 to cook Program 1 = Preheat Step 1 – 450°F for 30 minutes Step 2 – 0 Step 3 –. • Preparing Birds Using V-Spits 1.
Chicken must be trussed securely. With the chicken laying on the breast, use approved ties to wrap around legs and pull the tie along the back and criss-cross over back. download Daewoo Lanos Workshop Repair Manual. Tie comes over to the front to hold (Figure 4) wings to side of chicken (Figure 5) • 4. If more cook time is needed, push the button. If product has reached the desired temperature, push the oven will go into Step 4, the automatic hold cycle. (Figure 9) R O T I S S E R I E.
• U s i n g Pa s s -T h r u C o n t r o l s After a cooking cycle has been completed, the beeper sounds and the oven automatically executes the HOLD cycle (step 4 of the cooking program). • OPERATING, CLEANING, OR PERFORMING MAINTENANCE. download Vw Fox Manual. Automatic Clean – 1. Remove all accessories from the oven. Rotor remains in the oven for cleaning.
Remove any debris, bones, or pieces of skin from the drip plates. • Empty Grease Container At the end of the Automatic Clean cycle, remove plastic grease container located in stand below the unit, remove tube, and empty into the grease (Figure 13) disposal receptacle. Place the tube back into the container. • Using white vinegar on a soft cloth ensures sparkling clean windows. Using a clean damp cloth, thoroughly wipe off any white residue remaining in the oven that is visible. A cloth soaked in vinegar will assist in this process.
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